[Koha] ding, ding, the bell rings => koha 1.9.0 is born !

paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Thu Feb 6 23:55:13 NZDT 2003

Olugbenga Adara wrote:

>Congratulations and well done for all the hard work.
>>Install it from scratch :
>>* upgrading from 1.3.3 is IMPOSSIBLE, due to DB
>>* upgrading from 1.2.x is UNTESTED.
>So what do you recommend for someone who must install
>koha in the production environment now ? If you enter
>a lot of records in 1.2.3 and u cant upgrade ?
koha 1.9.0 is an UNSTABLE version. It works pretty good, but don't use 
it on production server.
If you are courageous, wait for a 2.0RC1 and let's try (with a lot of 
care and backups !)
If you want to be prudent, install a 1.2.x.

When the definivite 2.0 will be out, it will contain and upgrading tool 
1.2.x => 2.0.
This tool already exist, but is untested in 1.9.0 (so, does not work 
probably :-) )

Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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