[Koha] Acquistions screen error

C David Rigby cr8s at virginia.edu
Wed Nov 20 02:23:44 NZDT 2002

Dear all,
	I am having trouble entering books into the koha system for our small 
library.  I can enter an ISBN from this screen:


and I reach this screen:


However, upon clicking on the "Add Item" button here, I am taken to a 
blank screen with this URL:


and /var/log/httpd/koha-error_log has added this line:

DBI quote: invalid number of parameters: handle + 0
Usage: $h->quote($string [, $data_type ]) at 
/usr/local/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/acqui.simple/addbooks.pl line 269.
[root at iclibrary httpd]#

If there is anyone who can help with this, then you can have full access 
to the machine.  Koha is the only thing that this machine is slated to 
do, and I can always change passwords later.  I am open to suggestions, 
including completely reinstalling the koha system.  I know a bit about 
Linux and such, but I am clueless when it comes to Perl, apache and 
MySQL.  Thus, I really do not know how to correct this sort of problem.

C David Rigby
cr8s at virginia.edu

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