[Koha] New Koha website

Rachel Hamilton-Williams rachel at katipo.co.nz
Mon Jun 24 10:43:17 NZST 2002

Kia Ora,

I've just sent the new Koha website live (http://www.koha.org), and now would 
love if you all could give it the once over.

I'm pretty sure that there are enough typos and grammatical errors for 
everyone to find one :-)

Please let me know if there is anything obviously "missing" or if things aren't 
called what you'd expect, aren't located where you expect etc.

I've just had one of those head slapping moments - we need a search, 
anything else?


Rachel Hamilton-Williams             Katipo Communications            
WEBMISTRESS                          ph  021 389 128 or +64 04 934 1285 
mailto:rachel at katipo.co.nz           PO Box 12487, Wellington
http://www.katipo.co.nz              New Zealand
Koha Open Source Library System

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