[Koha] community catalog project

paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Wed Mar 20 03:24:37 NZST 2002

jacobs wrote:

>Hi all,
>I'm a volunteer librarian (and LIS grad student) at the Urbana-Champaign 
>Independent Media Center Library (http://ucimc.org/library) and am looking for 
>an open source package that will help me with a project. I'd like to create a 
>community online catalog. Currently, I have 2 organizations interested and the 
>support of a faculty member at U. of Illinois Urbana Champaign who wants to 
>give her cataloging students an opportunity to do actual MARC cataloging. I've 
>got OpenBook software downloaded but because it's still in beta (and may never 
>move out of beta), I hesitate to use it for fear of losing data.
trfoundation.org is out since 2 months  so...

>This has led me to Koha. Koha seems to have a good OPAC module, but I'd like 
>to know more about the database backend. Is it fully MARC supported? Does it 
>have a GUI input tool? Can MARC records be imported?
MARC is nnot supported in the current version (1.1). Many things have 
been done on the CVS (by Steve) to provide MARC 21 import, and MARC-DB 
We have (imho) a lot of work to build MARC-insert, MARC-search and 
MARC-export capabilities.
It will be done in the 1.2 version, but it's not for the next week.

anyway, I will use koha in 4 libraries only when I will have MARC 
If you want to give us a hand...

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