<br>I found the following on a FAQ page for Koha. Does anyone know if this is now available? I notice it says code would be written for it in 2009.<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br><br>--Jim Maroon<br>======================================================<br>
<h3>Is there a <span class="highlightedSearchTerm">phone</span> notification service for <span class="highlightedSearchTerm">Koha</span>?
<p class="portletContent even">The functionality must include ability to <span class="highlightedSearchTerm">phone</span>
customers with a computerized voice message to let them know of items
on hold ready to be picked up, and of items overdue. It also has the
capacity to receive calls and renew items according to our policies.
This is more than the average drs office that calls with appointment
reminders- must be able to link approx 250,000 item and 40,000 borrower
records. </p>
<div class="portletContent odd">
<p>The FOSS PBX system Asterisk (<a href="http://www.asterisk.org/" target="_blank">http://www.asterisk.org/</a>) could do what you propose, but would need additional programming for the Asterisk<-><span class="highlightedSearchTerm">Koha</span> interface.</p>
<p>This code is planned to be written in the summer of 2009.</p>
</div><br><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="52" width="567"><tbody><tr><td valign="bottom"><font size="2" color="black" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"><span><center>
<font size="1"><font color="blue"><br>==================================================<br>"The
man, who, by his own and his family's labour, can provide a sufficiency
of food and raiment and a comfortable dwelling place, is not a poor
man."</font> --William Cobbett, <i>Cottage Economy</i>, 1826.<br><br><a href="http://www.sufficientself.com/" target="_blank">http://www.sufficientself.com</a><br></font><br></center></span></font></td>