I have installed koha in a gnu/Linux system. I want to upload csv data file to koha database. I need a software to make marc file whch is working in a gnu/linux system. It is inconvenient for me to use marcedit using wine, since it uses proprietary softwares like Microsoft's .NET 2.0 Framework. I don't understand why a free software community like KOHA uses marcedit in linux. Can anybody suggest a software to in place of marcedit.<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Priyadarsan K. P.<br>--------------Official Address------------<br>Lecturer in Mathematics,<br>C. K. G. M. Govt. college,<br>Perambra P. O., Kozhikode<br>Kerala, 676525-PIN<br> 919496166465 Mob<br> 914962610243 off<br>
<a href="http://ckgmgovcollege.homelinux.com">http://ckgmgovcollege.homelinux.com</a><br>--------------Residential Address------------<br>Karattillam "Supriya",<br>Kottur P. O.<br>Naduvannur,<br>Kozhikode-673614,<br>
Kerala, India.<br>Ph: 91496 2652330<br>