Dear List ,<br> I am trying to checkin using SIP but unable to .iam alble to do the checkout but when i give the checkin message it give the message saying it has sucessfully checked in but the syslog does not reflect the same.copy of both checkout and checkin messages from syslog for your reference.<br>
<br>Jul 6 05:49:34 boss acs-server[17728]: INPUT MSG: ' 11YN20090629 01234820090629 012348AO||AA1888|ABMIC004|^M' <br>Jul 6 05:49:34 boss acs-server[17728]: Sip::MsgType::new('Sip::MsgType', '11YN200906...', '11'): <a href=""></a> '0', protocol 1 <br>
Jul 6 05:49:34 boss acs-server[17728]: Sip::MsgType::_initialize('Checkout', 'YN20090629 01234820090629 012348AO||AA1888|ABMIC004', 'CCA18A18', '38', ...) <br>Jul 6 05:49:34 boss acs-server[17728]: Unsupported field '' in Checkout message 'YN20090629 01234820090629 012348AO||AA1888|ABMIC004' <br>
Jul 6 05:49:34 boss acs-server[17728]: new ILS::Patron(1888): found patron '1888' <br>Jul 6 05:49:34 boss acs-server[17728]: new ILS::Item('MIC004'): found with title 'The 8051 Micro Controller-Architecture,Programming and Applications ' <br>
Jul 6 05:49:34 boss acs-server[17728]: ILS::Transaction::Checkout performing checkout... <br>Jul 6 05:49:34 boss acs-server[17728]: ILS::Checkout: patron 1888 has checked out HASH(0x9738c9c), MIC004 <br>Jul 6 05:49:34 boss acs-server[17728]: OUTPUT MSG: '121NNY20090706 054934AOCCL|AA1888|ABMIC004|AJThe 8051 Micro Controller-Architecture,Programming and Applications |AH0|' <br>
Jul 6 05:50:03 boss acs-server[17728]: INPUT MSG: ' ^M' <br>Jul 6 05:50:03 boss acs-server[17728]: sip_protocol_loop: empty input skipped <br>Jul 6 05:50:21 boss acs-server[17728]: INPUT MSG: ' 09N20090629 024548 AP|AOCCL|ABMIC004^M' <br>
Jul 6 05:50:21 boss acs-server[17728]: Sip::MsgType::new('Sip::MsgType', '09N2009062...', '09'): <a href=""></a> '0', protocol 1 <br>Jul 6 05:50:21 boss acs-server[17728]: Sip::MsgType::_initialize('Checkin', 'N20090629 024548 AP|AOCCL|ABMIC004', 'CA18A18', '37', ...) <br>
Jul 6 05:50:21 boss acs-server[17728]: new ILS::Item('MIC004'): found with title 'The 8051 Micro Controller-Architecture,Programming and Applications ' <br>Jul 6 05:50:21 boss acs-server[17728]: new ILS::Patron(1888): found patron '1888' <br>
Jul 6 05:50:21 boss acs-server[17728]: OUTPUT MSG: '101YNN20090706 055021AOCCL|ABMIC004|AQ|AJThe 8051 Micro Controller-Architecture,Programming and Applications |'<br><br>from my understanding of the code the checkin doesnot initialize or the ILS is not initializing the checkin process .i have searched the entire web looking for an answer.please do help me out to resolve this issue.<br>
<br>Thanks in advance for your kind help.<br><br>regards,<br>vimal<br>