Hi all, <BR>
I had already put the question few days back, but didnot get any answer... Please do help me..<BR>
I have tried koha2.2.9 on debian etch... installed all perl modules manually(without using MCPAN).. and it worked ..<BR>
But when I try to login as a user having some pending issues, then gets an error message "internal server error" and log has "enexpected end of script headers" message... <BR>
When I when I changed the line --(I think 158)<BR>
ad put a blank array i.e. {} instead of the function call getissues() it could login withiout displaying the pending issues...<BR>
What might be the problem in the function getissues()??<BR>
Gilesh M P
Lecturer CSE
Govt College of Engineering
Parassinikkadavu PO
Kannur, Kerala - 670 563
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