For all those having problems with CPAN module installs, there is one (rather odd) solution that has worked for me.<br><br>Log in as root<br><br>$ su -<br># cd ~/.cpan/build<br><br>If this gives you an error, try changing instead to the home directory of the user that did the install: # cd /home/myusername/.cpan/build<br>
<br># ls -l<br><br>Change to the directory of the package in question (using ZOOM as an example, the directory name should be similar but will be different)<br><br># cd Net-Z3950-ZOOM-1.21-s1Kt5N<br># make<br># make install<br>
<br>In many cases, doing this when the cpan tool absolutely refused to work helped enormously.<br><br>Good luck to you all,<br>-- <br>Jesse