Dear frenz hi<BR>
I am using koha window version. following is the specifications<BR>
Koha version 2.2.4<BR>
OS version Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] <BR>
Perl version5.008007<BR>
MySQL versionmysql Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.26, for Win32 (ia32) <BR>
Apache version<BR>
Since I am handling a film library, we have the documents like video tape contains so many subjects within a single tape. <BR>
So I want to create a new field of time duration in Cataloguing module.<BR>
I also want to show this field in Opac.<BR>
So anybody plz tell me how to create a new field and how to link it with opac module so that it could be shown during the catalogue search.<BR>
Thanx in advance<BR>
Jahangirabad Media Institute
Barabnki U.P. India
Ph. 05248-243372<br><br>
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