Hi group,<BR>
I try to migrate from CDS/ISIS to koha.<BR>
I followed the following migration guide<BR>
http://www.kohadocs.org/CDS_ISIS_to_Koha.html for migration<BR>
First as test phase i used XML file (given in that doc)for importing data (xml file : docs.xml)<BR>
Using your python script i converted it docs.txt<BR>
and finally using the perl script i creatd docs.out<BR>
Now im trying to import this data in koha using the following command<BR>
/usr/local/koha/intranet/scripts/misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport.pl -v -file docs.out<BR>
but it is giving the following error<BR>
Error in NEWnewbiblio : biblio.biblionumber and biblioitems.biblioitemnumber<BR>
MUST have the same field number at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/C4/Biblio.pm<BR>
line 1259.<BR>
Content-Type: text/html<BR>
Died at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/C4/Biblio.pm line 1263.<BR>
Error in NEWnewbiblio : biblio.biblionumber and biblioitems.biblioitemnumber<BR>
MUST have the same field number<BR>
help me to solve this problem, thanks in advance<BR>
Note :<BR>
im attaching the error.zip file, it contains the follwoing file<BR>
1. docs.xml<BR>
2. docs.txt<BR>
3. docs.out<BR>
4. marc_converter.pl (perl script u given in doc)<BR>
5. xml_to_txt.py (python script u given in doc)<BR>
6. screen.gif (error screen shot)<BR>
Your earlier reply will be very much helpful for us.<BR>
<a href="http://adworks.rediff.com/cgi-bin/AdWorks/sigclick.cgi/www.rediff.com/signature-home.htm/1507191490@Middle5?PARTNER=3"><IMG SRC="http://adworks.rediff.com/cgi-bin/AdWorks/sigimpress.cgi/www.rediff.com/signature-home.htm/1963059423@Middle5?OAS_query=null&PARTNER=3" BORDER=0 VSPACE=0 HSPACE=0></a>