[Koha] Koha ERM & Adjacent Functionality

Edward Mandity emandity at marian.edu
Wed Jul 17 03:33:33 NZST 2024

Greetings Koha users,
Apologies if this message has already been posted, I'm not sure if it was successfully sent.  My name is Edward Mandity, I am part of a team exploring "future systems" for our library consortium (PALNI).  We've been investigating Koha functionality and I have a few questions to pose to your collective wisdom.

As part of our investigation, I'm on a subgroup that is exploring the ERM aspects of ILS platforms, and am interested in learning a bit about your experience with that functionality and how it may overlap with Discovery and ILL solutions in Koha.  I understand e-resource linking is limited in the platform but I'm curious to know how you address this.  I'll try to be brief; my questions are the following:

  *   How do you handle electronic resource access in Koha?  Is your instance primarily devoted to discovery of print / in-house collection items?
  *   Have you used Ebsco's API Holdings IQ option for integrating ebsco's eholdings within your instance? If so, what are your thoughts?  Are there other APIs in use or ones desired for integration?
  *   Do any of you use an external link resolver/Central Index for integration or some other ERM configuration?
  *   What is your preferred configuration for discovery?  Do you like the out-of-the box OPAC, connection to open source options like Vufind, or other 3rd party services?
     *   Regarding Koha's OPAC, I understand it is somewhat customizable.  Does e-book access configuration meet your needs?
     *   If you use Vufind, have you experimented with reordering/prioritizing item links by provider, replacing hold/request buttons more prominently in the search results/record pages?
  *   How have you dealt with integrating Interlibrary loan requests within your discovery layer?

I appreciate any insight you may have regarding these issues.  Thank you very much and have a good rest of the week.


Edward Mandity, MLS
Director of Educational Technology & Systems Librarian
Hackelmeier Memorial Library | Marian University
3200 Cold Spring Road | Indianapolis, IN  46222
317.955.6007 | emandity at marian.edu<mailto:emandity at marian.edu>

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