[Koha] advance_notice.pl script and --digest-per-branch parameter

Stephen Graham s.graham4 at herts.ac.uk
Tue Jun 6 03:18:25 NZST 2023

Hi All - is anyone out there using the --digest-per-branch parameter with the advance_notice.pl. It sounds like it will do what we want to achieve but cannot get to work. We've been testing on our dev server (which has recently been updated to 22.11) and when we use this parameter the job never completes.  When I grep for advance_notices.pl using ps -ef I can see the jobs still running. If I run it from the cmd line manually the job just hangs/never finished either. If we remove the digest parameter then the script works and completes within a few seconds.

We haven't tried this on our production server (still running 21.11) and don't want to really , but just to find out if we would get the same on 21.11 (i.e. it's a bug in the script) or if it's specific to 22.11?


Stephen Graham
Library Technology Consultant
Library and Computing Services

University of Hertfordshire
Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB

Email: s.graham4 at herts.ac.uk<mailto:s.graham4 at herts.ac.uk>
Website: herts.ac.uk

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