[Koha] How to use Log Viewer search fields

Christopher Davis CDavis at jcls.org
Wed Sep 28 07:33:55 NZDT 2022

Dear Collective Wisdom,

I am trying to find descriptions of how to use the "object:" and "info:" search fields in the Log Viewer of Koha 21.11.10 because the Koha manual does not provide any, the wiki does not have an article on the log viewer, and my institution's internet connection is on the fritz right now, so I cannot access <koha-us.org>. Will any of you please provide descriptions or point me to a resource?

Thank you much,

Christopher Davis
Digital Services Specialist
Jackson County Library Services

Jackson County Library Services acknowledges that its libraries are located within the traditional lands of the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians, and the Modoc Nation; as well as the Shasta, Takelma, and Latgawa people, whose descendants are now identified as members of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians and the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. JCLS is committed to fostering understanding, deep respect, and honor for Indigenous people, and we encourage you to learn more about the land you reside on. For more information, go to jcls.org/land<https://jcls.org/about/land-acknowledgement/>.

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