[Koha] Acquisitions User Group

Rhonda Kuiper rkuiper at roundrocktexas.gov
Sat Jan 18 05:14:30 NZDT 2020

Hi All,
We have our first Koha Acquisitions User Group meeting next week!  We will get together at 11:00 Central Time.

We have a great opportunity to submit an acquisition development to Koha-US with all the power of a user group behind the submission!  What we need to do is select a development (or two) to be considered by the development committee.  Based on conversations we have had, I think we should propose Bug 13325 - Add logs for budgets and funds.  This is a development that I think every kind of library can use.  What we need to do is decide how we want this function to look.  For this meeting, I would ask that people bring your idea of how the screens would look to make this development easy to use and useful.  For example, do you want to click on the current fund amount and have a new screen display with the history of the fund balance and then a field to modify the balance?  That is just an idea off the top of my head.  The more specific we can get, the quicker our development will get implemented.

If anyone has another acquisitions bug they would like to suggest for the development committee, please bring that.

If time allows, we will field any questions or problems people would like to discuss.

Have a great weekend!

Rhonda Kuiper
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