[Koha] adjusting MARC field SQL query for indicator?
Eric Phetteplace
ephetteplace at cca.edu
Thu May 16 04:51:35 NZST 2019
Hi Jason,
Indicators can be retrieved from the usual biblio_metadata database field.
Much like you use "//datafield[@tag={code}]" to retrieve specific MARC
fields, you can use "//datafield[@ind1={value}]" to get fields with
particular indicator values, and you can combine these two expressions to
look at both like "//datafield[@tag={code}][@ind1={value}]". So to answer
your specific question:
SELECT biblio.biblionumber, biblio.title
FROM biblio_metadata
JOIN biblio ON (biblio_metadata.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber)
WHERE ExtractValue (metadata, '//datafield[@tag="100"][@ind1="0"]') <> ''
You can also combine multiple attribute expressions (the bracketed ones
with "@" symbols) in this manner: '//datafield[@tag="100" and @ind1="0"]',
either way will work. Changing the "@ind1=0" to "@ind1=3" will suit the
other half of your query.
As an aside, for anyone who may be interested, this strange-looking second
argument to ExtractValue() isn't random magic, it's an XPath expression and
you can learn its syntax and then use it to navigate MARCXML (or any XML)
documents. Maybe a bit overkill once you've memorized the 2-3 things you
need to do in Koha reports but XPath is a generally useful tool I
find. The W3Schools
tutorials <https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_xpath.asp> are pretty good and
obviously our Koha catalogs provide a bevy of XML records to work with.
ERIC PHETTEPLACE Systems Librarian (he/him)
ephetteplace at cca.edu | o 510.594.3660
5212 Broadway | Oakland, CA | 94618
:(){ :|: & };:
On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 6:47 AM Jason Vasche <jvasche at roundrocktexas.gov>
> Greetings everyone! I have another newbie SQL question. I want to run
> reports that return all bibs with MARC 100 0_ or 100 3_ fields. I found
> the "Bibs with a specific MARC field" in the reports library, but don't
> know how to modify it to include the specific indicator. Can anyone point
> me in the right direction? Thanks for your time and assistance!
> Regards,
> Jason Vasché
> Catalog Librarian
> Round Rock Public Library
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