[Koha] Setting up Koha for the 1st Time

King, Fred Fred.King at Medstar.net
Thu Mar 28 07:36:38 NZDT 2019

Hi Allen, and welcome to Koha!

(Note: corrections and clarifications to my remarks are welcome)

If I understand your question correctly, as far as I know Koha doesn't really care what kind of barcode structure you use as long as what you use is unique to each user. When I migrated our system from Horizon to Koha in 2013, our books were already barcoded with a 14-digit number. Our patron database was so outdated (we're a teaching hospital, and residents come and go) that I got a spreadsheet of all current employees and uploaded that, using their employee number as the patron barcode. (Not too long after that, they changed everybody's employee number, but that's a different story.) If a visiting resident doesn't have an employee ID number, we can use their badge number, phone number, anything that will work. I wouldn't recommend such a haphazard system for a large busy library, but our monthly checkouts are usually in the high two figures, if that, so it works for us.

As Abhishek NĂ£gar said yesterday, if your books have accession numbers (my college stamped each book with one--this was pre-computer days), you could use that. Or you can order barcode labels from most library supply companies.

Chances are, if it works for you, it will work for Koha.

Fred King
Medical Librarian, MedStar Washington Hospital Center
fred.king at medstar.net
ORCID 0000-0001-5266-0279
MedStar Authors Catalog: http://medstarauthors.org

I will work harder!
--Boxer the Horse

-----Original Message-----
From: Koha [mailto:koha-bounces at lists.katipo.co.nz] On Behalf Of abrazier at buttepubliclibrary.info
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 2:16 PM
To: Koha; Koha Devel
Subject: [Koha] Setting up Koha for the 1st Time

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Hello All,

Can anyone tell me how you establish the barcode structure you would 
like to implement when you are setting up Koha for the first time?

Allen in Butte

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