[Koha] Need to change the pickup location of the hold

Anne-Marie Mana Deweerdt anne-marie.deweerdt at uclouvain.be
Wed Mar 14 02:40:14 NZDT 2018


We are configuring the "holds" functionality in Koha and we disabled the 
possibility for the user to chose the pickup location, to suspend the 
hold etc.
However when we place a hold it takes the patron home library as the 
pickup location.
We would like to know if it is possible to configure that and have the 
item's home library in place of the patron's home library.

In our libraries once a patron makes a request on an available item he 
has to pick it up by himself from the shelves.
We prepare the item only for "closed stack request".
If the request was placed on a checked out book he receives an alert 
that the item is ready to pickup at the circulation desk.

Kind regards,

Mana Deweerdt

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