[Koha] Linker bib-to-authority records looks to the first word only

Ev Praksi praksi.ev at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 01:19:02 NZST 2018

Hello Koha community!

I am a new user of Koha and I would like to ask you for help in that issue:

Why the Linker, which links authority to bib-records considers only the
first word in the name fields, when it check for match?
Which settings I have selected wrongly?


In my Koha 17.11 installation I have following settings in Home ›
Administration › Global System preferences:

AutoCreateAuthorities = do not generate
BiblioAddsAuthorities = allow

CatalogModuleRelink = Do not
LinkerKeepStale = Do not
LinkerModule = Default
LinkerOptions =
LinkerRelink = Do

The selected Search Engine is ZEBRA.


For the experiment I have created 2 dummy bib-records:
   “My title 1” by Hoare, Charles Antony Richard
   “My title 2” by Brown, Michael.
Both authors names came from the Authority file.

There are 4 authors in total in the Authority file:
   Petson, Uwe
   Hoare, Charles Antony Richard
   Brown, Sandra
   Brown, Michael
Note, the family names of two authors match – these are Sandra Brown and
Michael Brown.

After running link_bibs_to_authorities.pl and rebuilding zebra indexes the
authority-linker finds correctly the
author of the first book “My title 1” – Charles Antony Hoare,
but the authority-linker gets confused who of the Browns to link to the
second book “My title 2” – Sandra or Michael!

The reason is that the authority-linker looks only to the first word in the
name-field, which in this case is "Brown", and
therefore it “finds” 2 matching to the bib-record names!
Thus, it does not link “My title 2” to any of them!

How can I set the authority-linker to look to all words in name-field

As well, of course:
How can I set the authority-linker to look to all other fields related
to the author (100$c, 100$d, etc.) when it tries to find a match?

I could find similar question from Erlanda Simonyan (Thu Jun 29 20:24:35
NZST 2017), but I couldn't find it's answer...

Thank you very much for your help!

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