[Koha] Bug: passwords should be HTML-encoded when displayed during self-registration

Arturo Longoria Arturo.Longoria at sll.texas.gov
Thu Jan 4 07:50:31 NZDT 2018

Hi, all. Our library uses self-registration quite a bit, and I've recently stumbled upon a bug that can occur when Koha generates a random password for a user during self-registration and attempts to display it to the user since these passwords are not HTML-encoded. I have documented the bug here: https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19911.

Basically, the PatronSelfRegistrationPrefillForm preference can be set so that self-registered patrons are shown their password upon creating an account. This setting is necessary at our library because we do not allow patrons to select their own passwords during self-registration due to bug 19845, https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19845.

If the password that is generated randomly by Koha contains the less-than character, <, browsers think that this is the beginning of an HTML element, so the less-than character and anything after it are not displayed to the user. This means that users are not shown their full password!

This screenshot illustrates what I'm describing: https://i.imgur.com/hlKpU1I.png.

Arturo Longoria
Reference Librarian/Web Manager
Texas State Law Library

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