[Koha] The University of hte South Pacific Library - seeking information on koha

Elizabeth Fong elizabeth.fong at usp.ac.fj
Mon Aug 14 09:44:57 NZST 2017

Dear Listserv members

The USP Library has a network of 23 Libraries spread through the Pacific in 12 countries - Fiji, Cook Is, Kiribati, Marshall is., Nauru, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. The Library currently operates two ILS  - SPYDUS and Athena (no longer supported by the vendor). The Library's preference is for one system. The countries are part of 3 time zones.

I seek urgent responses from Koha academic libraries currently using Koha ; a `yes' or `no' will suffice but a paragraph is welcome. This will be most appreciated.

1.      Is there a Koha version specific to Academic Libraries?
2.      Can Koha be installed in a Windows environment?
3.      Is Customer support 24/7?
4.      Depending on the severity of the bug, what are the time ranges for solving a bug?
5.      Does Koha have a Discovery Layer Service?
6.      Does Koha have Predictive text searching?
7.      Does Koha include an eRM module?
8.      Does Koha have a Mobile Interface and Circulation for Android or iOS or HTML5 Browsers)
9.      Does Koha have a Digital Asset Management System?
10.  Does Koha have a Dashboard for Analytics Solution?
11.  Does Koha have a drag-and-drop feature for creating ad-hoc reports?
12.  Is Lending of ebooks possible with Koha?
*         Already answered: We would like to have truly centralized solution, however, our libraries are located in different countries and in different time zones. Can Koha cater for this so that each library located in different countries can have their respective timestamp to match their local time zone?

Elizabeth C. Reade Fong
Acting University Librarian, 1 January 2017-
The Library
The University of the South Pacific
Laucala Campus

Email: Fong_e at usp.ac.fj
Ph: (679) 3232363
Fax: (679) 3231528
Mobile (679) 7748760

'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit' Aristotle.

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