[Koha] Koha 16.11.04 - Setting a template cache directory

Mark Alexander marka at pobox.com
Mon Aug 28 10:54:16 NZST 2017

Excerpts from Prof. Lisandro Laura's message of 2017-08-26 11:05:34 -0300:
> Could anyone please point me to a simple step by step instruction to
> set <template_cache_dir> entry in my koha-conf.xml file?

As I mentioned in my earlier email, I created the cache directory as follows:

  mkdir -p /var/cache/koha/INSTANCE/templates
  chown INSTANCE-koha:INSTANCE-koha /var/cache/koha/INSTANCE/templates

Then I added the following line at the end of the <config> section
in /etc/koha/sites/INSTANCE/koha-conf.xml:


In all of the above instructions, replace INSTANCE with your actual
library instance name.

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