[Koha] Adding an Authority Type in Koha

Tajoli Zeno z.tajoli at cineca.it
Mon Sep 5 21:24:30 NZST 2016


Il 05/09/2016 10:55, Charles Quain ha scritto:
> I have followed the instructions in the koha wiki: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Create_new_authority_type
> It is mostly working: The authorities are created and they link back to the biblio record correctly (the $9 is populated. etc). The authority is searchable when adding an authority.
> The one thing I am having a problem with is that when searching in the auth_finder.pl popup the system only displays the $a in the result list.
> I need the $d to make sense of the list, as that is where the actual place name is, otherwise all you see is a list of countries.

in fact the wiki page is not enough in your case.
When you add a new authority type you need also to personalize also the 
routine in BuildSummary in C4/AuthoritiesMarc.pm.
If you don't do this on search result you see only subfield $a, that is 
the default of the routine 'BuildSummary'.

Now I will update the wiki page.

Zeno Tajoli

Zeno Tajoli
/SVILUPPO PRODOTTI CINECA/ - Automazione Biblioteche
Email: z.tajoli at cineca.it Fax: 051/6132198
*CINECA* Consorzio Interuniversitario - Sede operativa di Segrate (MI)

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