[Koha] Koha in school library

vikram zadgaonkar vikramczadgaonkar at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 00:55:39 NZST 2016

Welcome to community. What is the data size or collection?
On 18-Apr-2016 5:40 PM, "Deb Vincent" <library at tggsacademy.org> wrote:

Hi all
I have cancelled my existing ILS to switch to Koha in our school library.
Unfortunately I had to give a year's notice to terminate the contract, but
on the plus side it gives me more time to set up Koha properly before
making the switch.
So far, our IT team have set up Koha on the server, and I have been able to
load existing students to the system.
My main difficulty is going to be importing our existing catalogue. I can
export the basic data from our current ILS in an Excel spreadsheet, but not
marc format. I know I can convert from Excel to marc21 using MarcEdit, but
I am not yet familiar enough with the marc system to understand how to do
this. I would be very grateful for any advice.
Also, is there any way of importing barcodes of existing holdings at the
same time, or does this have to be done manually after the catalogue
records have been imported?
Many thanks.

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