[Koha] ***UNCHECKED*** Item types whose location close earlier than the main Library

amutsikiwa at uzlib.uz.ac.zw amutsikiwa at uzlib.uz.ac.zw
Fri May 9 22:46:05 NZST 2014



I welcomed the introduction of the hours unit  in the  circulation and fine
rules configuration.  I have been using a commercial library system that
enables   reserve books to be borrowed for internal use for two hours from
09:00 to 15:00 Monday to Thursday, after which they are borrowed for
overnight use, which means the books become due the following morning before
09:00. However, the Library closes at midnight.  On Friday, reserve books
are borrowed for  weekend use  from 10:00 and become due on Monday. I am now
almost through with my migration to Koha. However,  I do not know how I can
configure  my reserve books loan rules so that they behave as explained..


May be the introduction of  opening time and closing time  for item types so
that in the calculation of due dates, as with the calendar tool, will not
fall due when that particular item type (for example reserve books)  is
deemed to be "closed" for circulation,  could be the solution going into the
future.  This could be a future functionality  request. However, in the
meantime, I will appreciate any pointers on how I can configure the  reserve
books loan rules so that they behave as explained.



Kind Regards,


Admire Mutsikiwa 

ICT Projects Manager


University of Zimbabwe


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