[Koha] ***UNCHECKED*** To search titles like: What is not Sacred?: African Spirituality

Zeno Tajoli z.tajoli at cineca.it
Wed May 7 18:29:07 NZST 2014

Hi to all,

in bugzilla i find this query:

 From ict.admin at jhia.ac.ke
> Greetings,
>I have tried searching 'What is not Sacred?: African Spirituality by Magesa, Laurenti'
>and it doesnt appear on the catalog until I searched the same using the authour.
> I have tried the searching 'What is not Sacred African Spirituality' on other libraries catlogs
> around and realized that the system only finds the same book once you omit the "not" and search
> for "What is Sacred African Spirituality".
> Our library Catlog is http://catalog.jhia.ac.ke/ I also run the search at this other catalogs
> http://library.hekima.ac.ke/
> http://library.jkuat.ac.ke/
> And they all retured the same burg.

the answer is in the default assumed by Koha on search.
The default search in Koha is a keyword search and NOT/not is a reserved 
word in this search.

So you need to do a seach by phrase and be explicity on the string.
To do so you need to write in the search box:
ti,phr="What is not: Sacred African Spirituality"

Zeno Tajoli
Dr. Zeno Tajoli
Dipartimento Gestione delle Informazioni e della Conoscenza
z.tajoli at cineca.it
fax +39 02 2135520
CINECA - Sede operativa di Segrate

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