[Koha] Putting a select statement together
Phillip Ponchot
pponchot at live.com
Sun Jun 1 16:40:09 NZST 2014
After much trial and error I've found that there is a record in the biblioitems table that is keeping me from backing up this table. The offending record is 35429. If I "split" the table using the limit function and mysqldump, I can backup records 1 to 35428 and records 35430 to the end of the database.
Using mysqldump, I want to backup these two parts of the biblotable to a csv file then create a new table and import the 2 files back into new table. Then I can rename the old biblioitems table and rename the new table to biblioitems.
Dump partial table to csv file:
mysqldump -uroot -pxxxxxxx koha biblioitems --where=”1 limit
35428” --tab=”.” -- fields-enclosed-by=“”
--fields-terminated-by=”,” --line terminnated by="/n"
What should I set the cvs parameters to?
-- fields-enclosed-by=--fields-terminated-by=--lines-terminnated by=
Should I use this: --fields-optionally-enclosed-by=char instead of --fields-enclosed-by=char
Any information would be appreciated.
I've tried
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