[Koha] Duplicate checks in acquisitions module

Manos PETRIDIS egpetridis at gmail.com
Fri Feb 7 13:26:49 NZDT 2014

Just realised that the condition I described in my previous message might be
the one noted in 


As I see no other comments on the bug page, might one understand that this
is the expected behaviour? 

If not when entering an order, shouldn't there be a duplicates check when a
suggestion is approved?




From: Manos PETRIDIS [mailto:egpetridis at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 12:19 AM
To: 'koha at lists.katipo.co.nz'
Subject: Duplicate checks in acquisitions module


Hi people, just a question on duplicate checks: 


Trying to use  koha bit by bit, I've been lately adding my Amazon wishlists
to koha suggestions. The other day I bought a book from my suggestions list
and marked the suggestion as accepted.  Upon the book's arrival, I entered
it in koha. Then, some days later, I decided  to use the acquisitions module
for the first time, taking this last book as an example. 

Well, to make a short story shorter, koha let me enter a duplicate entry, at
least as ISBN is concerned. 





Koha usually checks for similar entry attempts, but apparently not when one
does it via acquisitions. 

Is this normal, do I miss something?


I use the latest koha packages, on debian, and have only a single library


Kind regards,





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