[Koha] Biblios with no items

Steven Nickerson snicker1 at maine.rr.com
Wed Dec 24 02:18:55 NZDT 2014

Hello everyone,

   I have 2 questions about having biblio records that have no items

1.       I've run the report that yields the biblionumber and title of those
records with no items.   What is the best way for me to actually delete
those biblio records from my Koha environment?  I'm hoping there is a way to
do them in bulk and not one at a time?

2.       What is the "proper" way to delete items and their biblios going
forward?   We've been just deleting the items, but is there a better way to
delete both the item(s) and the biblio record at the same time?   Or is it
always a 2-step process?

Hope this makes sense.   We are running the package version of 3.16.02 on
Debian in case that's important to this conversation.




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