[Koha] Catalogue - SQL Report Help

Paul A paul.a at navalmarinearchive.com
Thu Dec 11 08:13:21 NZDT 2014

At 12:09 AM 12/11/2014 +0530, SATISH wrote:
>[snip] how to achieve for the same tables,
>for each collection ( as per collection code).
>Because, at various time intervals, library inspection team here is most
>interested in
>knowing how many unique titles and counts as a whole library  and also by
>collection codes.

SELECT DISTINCT b.biblionumber, b.title, b.author, t.editionstatement,
t.publishercode, t.isbn, i.ccode, count(i.itemnumber) FROM biblio b LEFT JOIN
biblioitems t USING(biblionumber) LEFT JOIN items i USING(biblionumber)
WHERE i.ccode=<<Enter collection code>> GROUP BY b.biblionumber;


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