[Koha] Koha vs Liblime Koha

Hernandez, Heather heather_hernandez at nps.gov
Fri Dec 5 10:26:50 NZDT 2014

Hi, Jesse!

It's my impression that the LibLime version of "Koha" isn't really an open
source product, since LibLime doesn't release their code at all--it's more
like a proprietary product.  So asking us on this list about LibLime's
"Koha," here where we talk about the fully open source & community
supported Koha, is sort of like asking us about Innovative Milennium or any
other proprietary ILS--you'll probably get a lot of shoulder-shrugging!  I
would guess that if you choose LibLime's "Koha" you'd have all the same
problems and issues as if you chose any other proprietary system.

I'm sorry that I don't know a good place to find out about LibLime's
"Koha"--we have been completely happy with our choice of the fully open
source and community supported Koha, and never want to go back to
proprietary systems!

Good luck!
Heather Hernandez
Technical Services Librarian
San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park Research Center
415-561-7032, heather_hernandez at nps.gov

"The sailor does not pray for wind, he learns to sail."--Gustaf Lindborg

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