[Koha] Auto zebra update: /etc/cron.d/koha-common

Robin Sheat robin at catalyst.net.nz
Sat Apr 19 15:16:11 NZST 2014

op 17-04-14 19:47, andrea.furin at slacky.it schreef:
> It seems that /etc/cron.d/koha-common doesn't work: I changed the line
> in this:
> */5 * * * * esg-koha esg -x /usr/sbin/koha-rebuild-zebra ETC..

Don't do that.

The koha-common cron script knows how to rebuild zebra for all
configured Koha instances.

This file, which is the original:



*/5 * * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/koha-rebuild-zebra &&
koha-rebuild-zebra -q $(koha-list --enabled)

which is what does it.

Your line:

*/5 * * * * esg-koha esg -x /usr/sbin/koha-rebuild-zebra ETC..

a) has no KOHA_CONF set
b) esg is not a command (the database name doesn't go there, 'test' is
actually a command that does something, so changing it will break things.)
c) koha-rebuild-zebra expects to be run as root, and will change users
as it needs to.
d) your database name isn't actually esg, your instance name is esg. The
database name should be something like esg_koha.

But essentially, by changing the line at all, you're breaking it. So put
it back the way it's supposed to be :)


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