[Koha] Switching from Other Library Software to Koha

Ben Doughney bdoughney at mhjc.school.nz
Thu Oct 17 15:03:16 NZDT 2013

Hi all, 

I have managed to get into the FireBird database back end of our existing AccessIt library catalog and export all of the data as a CSV file. Now I am trying to use MarcEdit to convert the CSV file into Marc records so that it can be imported into Koha. 

I have imported the resulting file into Koha, and it looks reasonably good for a first effort, except for when I view one of the items imported, Koha tells me that there are no physical items for the record. I suspect I have not quite got the mapping right between the CSV file fields and Marc file fields. Is there any howto on this sort of thing- especially for a non-librarian like me as most of the librarian terms go straight over my head! ;-) 

Also, what field should our 'internal' barcodes be mapped to so that we can use the same barcode number as what already exists in AccessIt? 

Ben Doughney 
ICT Manager 

Mission Heights Schools 
Ph (09) 277 7881, Fx (09) 277 7883 

PO Box 64 448, Botany Town Centre, Auckland 2016 

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