[Koha] Final push for a new server

Phillip Ponchot pponchot at live.com
Mon Dec 30 23:37:44 NZDT 2013

I've built a new server and installed an upgrade version of Koha 3.12.  I now need to move my database from the old version of Koha 3.0 to the new one.  

The instructions say to do the following on an upgrade:    If you are upgrading from a version older than Koha 3.4.x, run the following command which may take a long time (several hours) to complete for large databases: koha-upgrade-to-3.4.  

Can someone tell me when to run the koha-update-to-3.4 command?

Here are the instructions for importing the database to a new koha install:

1. Use the MySQL dump command to export the Koha instance

mysqldump -u root -p koha > kohabackup.sql  (on the old koha the database is koha)2. Copy kohabackup.sql to the new server. port the database to the new SQL server.
mysql -u koha_library -p library  < kohabackup.sql  (on the new koha the database is library.
Log in to the staff interface to verify data imported. 

5. Rebuild zebra.

Somewhere here I have to run the koha-upgrade-to-3.4, right?




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