[Koha] report for weeding

Heather Braum hbraum at nekls.org
Tue Aug 27 02:40:08 NZST 2013


Did you see this report through the Koha community's reports library? 
Our libraries use a version of this to help in the weeding process.

        Weeding tool

SELECT  CONCAT(  '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/additem.pl?biblionumber=',  biblio.biblionumber,'\">',
        items.barcode,  '</a>'  )  AS  'Barcode',  items.itemcallnumber,  biblio.title,
        biblio.copyrightdateAS  'Copyright',  items.dateaccessionedAS  'Accessioned',  items.itype,
        items.issues,  items.renewals,  (IFNULL(items.issues,  0)+IFNULL(items.renewals,  0))  AS  Total_Circ,
        items.datelastborrowed,  items.itemlost,  items.onloan,  items.damaged,  items.itemnotes
FROM  items
LEFT  JOIN  biblioitemsON  (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber)
LEFT  JOIN  biblioON  (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)
WHERE  items.itype=  <<Item type code|itemtypes>>  AND  items.holdingbranch=<<Branch code|branches>>
       AND  items.itemcallnumberBETWEEN  <<Call number between>>  AND  <<and>>
ORDER  BY  items.itemcallnumber

You may have to tweak it further or use Excel to eliminate what you 
won't weed, but it might get you started down the right path.

Our libraries also use reports to identify items that have never checked 

SELECT items.barcode as 'Barcode', items.holdingbranch, 
items.datelastseen, items.itemcallnumber, biblio.title, 
biblio.copyrightdate as 'Copyright', items.dateaccessioned as 
'Accessioned', items.itype, items.ccode, items.location FROM items JOIN 
biblio USING (biblionumber) WHERE items.homebranch= <<Pick Your 
Branch|branches>> AND items.issues IS NULL ORDER BY items.itemcallnumber

and a report that shows items that have never checked out/or haven't 
checked out since a specific date:

SELECT items.barcode as 'Barcode', items.holdingbranch, 
items.datelastseen, items.datelastborrowed, items.itemcallnumber, 
biblio.title, biblio.copyrightdate as 'Copyright', items.dateaccessioned 
as 'Accessioned', items.itype, items.ccode, items.location FROM items 
JOIN biblio USING (biblionumber) WHERE items.homebranch= <<Pick Your 
Branch|branches>> AND (items.issues IS NULL OR items.datelastborrowed < 
'2011-01-01') ORDER BY items.itemcallnumber

Hope those help!


> Kohn, Karen <mailto:kohnk at arcadia.edu>
> August 26, 2013 8:48 AM
> Hello,
> One of our departments has asked to see a complete list of books that we
> are considering weeding, so that they can identify ones that they want us
> to keep. If we're going to provide them with this list, we want it to
> include circulation information, so they can take into account the fact
> that many of these books haven't checked out in years! Another librarian
> approached me about how to make this list, but I was not quite sure how.
> His idea was to create a fake patron, called Weeding, and check all the
> books out to the patron. He then asked if we could run a report of
> everything checked out to that patron. We'd want the report to include the
> title, author, date last checked out, and total checkouts, and probably
> year of publication. I don't see a way to do this using the guided 
> reports.
> Does anyone have an idea for us of either
> a) how to make a report of items checked out to a particular patron and
> including the information I need, or
> b) another not-too-time-consuming way to make this list?
> Thanks.

Heather Braum
Digital and Technical Services Librarian
Northeast Kansas Library System
hbraum at nekls.org <mailto:hbraum at nekls.org>

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