[Koha] Anyone have an annual circulation of over 10 million transactions

Greg Barniskis gregb at scls.lib.wi.us
Sat Aug 10 01:43:59 NZST 2013

On 8/8/2013 3:08 PM, Manos PETRIDIS wrote:
> Although 10 million transactions are an absurdly large circulation, I wonder
> if by "transactions" you mean db transactions, including that is workload
> incurred by OPAC users, remote searches, administrative work etc.?

To be clear, the figure I cited for SCLS is for circulation only, with 
12 million items being borrowed by patrons. There are of course many 
more db transactions taking place, with a proportionally high number of 
searches and (one hopes) all of those items also being returned. Plus 
cataloging, records maintenance, reports, etc.

Math clarification: some of the earlier discussion cited circs per 
second, but that's going one step too far. Also, the 8 hours assumption 
isn't quite right. Many of our larger sites are open 10-12 hours per 
day. Also, because of the public web interface and the addition of a 
TALKINGtech i-tiva telephony interface, patron self-service renewals can 
take place 24/7. So, rounded off a bit...

12 million issues and renewals in 2012
/ 365 days
/ 24 hours
/ 60 minutes
average 23 circs per minute

Of course the really interesting question is about peak load, not 
average. Based on reports of circulation by time of day, our busiest 
hour is Monday afternoon, 16:00-17:00. In that time slot our peak load 
averages to 77 cpm, or 1.28 per second.

Large? Yes. Absurd? Not yet... but we're still growing. =)

Greg Barniskis, Computer Systems Integrator
South Central Library System (SCLS)
<gregb at scls.lib.wi.us>, (608) 242-4716

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