[Koha] Koha: staff guides (for Pasifika Koha)

Pamela Bidwell pamela.bidwell at usp.ac.fj
Fri Sep 7 00:33:50 NZST 2012

Bula Koha members,

A couple of weeks ago I announced Pasifika Koha on this list. The workshop is scheduled for Monday 10 September, and we now have 42 participants, so things are going very well so far.

We have two streams - one for users and one for IT staff, and two programmes involving speakers, practical exercises and Skype calls.

I am now asking for your help with a couple of things:

1. As Internet connections are very poor in most parts of this region, I want to share useful resources with those attending. Nicole Engard is sending some videos, but I am also looking for instructional staff files for common tasks like user registration, circulation, OPAC searches etc, ideally with screen shots. Staff desk manuals, or guides for users would be ideal.

I have seen the documentation on the Koha community site, but I want to fill gaps. I am particularly interested in guides to OPAC searches, Acquisition functions and running common Reports. If you can point me to useful files that would be helpful. Videos are good, but bandwidth issues mean I can only download a few.

You need to agree that what you send will be shared widely amongst Pacific Koha users (I will always fully acknowledge their source).

If you can help please send me an email. We have the fastest Internet connections in this part of the world, but if you have many resources I am trying to arrange an ftp address for downloads (or bitTorrent - although I have only used that once...).

2. Also, can anyone send me  records for bulk importing? I've never done that before either, so basic advice on how to do it would be helpful (although I will be watching the Bywater videos, of course). I need a good range of records so registrants can run OPAC searches.

Thank you

Pam Bidwell, Lecturer Library/Information Studies
School of Education
The University of the South Pacific
Laucala Campus, Suva, FIJI
Tel. (679) 323 2829
Fax: (679) 323 1528
Email: pamela.bidwell at usp.ac.fj<mailto:pamela.bidwell at usp.ac.fj>
L/IS program website: www.usp.ac.fj/library_studies<http://www.usp.ac.fj/library_studies>

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