[Koha] Problems upgrading to 3.8

Hugo Agud hagud at orex.es
Thu Oct 25 05:01:53 NZDT 2012

Hi Ramon

Do not worry it happens to a lot of people ... take a look on this


Kindest Regards

2012/10/24 Ramon Andiñach <custard at westnet.com.au>

> Hi,
> This is going sound pathetic, and stupid, but I'm in need of some
> guidance. It has been quite some time since I've tried to use koha.
> I've been upgrading my koha from 3.00 towards 3.8 via the tarball method.
> I was attempting to be good, and going in smallish steps so 3.00 to 3.02
> to 3.04 to 3.06 and then to 3.8.
> In between each upgrade I was trying a few searches to make sure that the
> books end of the db was intact and then backing up the DB.
> After the 3.06 step it seemed to be working.
> But, after the 3.8 step suddenly most of the books seem to have vanished.
> I'd put it down to noticing in the upgrade notes some extra steps that I
> didn't see in the 3.6 or 3.4 notes (the ones about removing the duplicated
> item details). So I dropped the DB and reloaded the backup from the 3.6
> step and tried without these steps.
> I've also now tried the original backup too, without success.
> I'm not sure at this point if it's the items that have vanished or the
> records too. Yes, I have run rebuild_zebra -b -r as the koha user (several
> times no luck).
> So I suppose I'm looking for guidance on
> a) working out what is going on.
> b) how to get normality back again.
> -ramon.
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*Hugo Agud - Orex Digital *




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