[Koha] Servers for US Libraries

glaws glawson at rhcl.org
Thu Oct 4 06:11:15 NZDT 2012


Just a note for US libraries* needing a good Koha server at a good
price--Techsoup sometimes has good refurbished servers (and workstations
too). If you do get servers or workstations with Windows preinstalled,
_typically_ the grant requirements do not prevent you from removing it
and installing Linux. They also have networking equipment and other
hardware. Donated items come and go, so you need to keep checking back
if you don't see something you need.

* I believe that there is a Techsoup for Canada too, but I'm not
familiar with it.


Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506

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