[Koha] Do you like the way Koha is sorting facets and facets results ?

Nicole Engard nengard at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 04:24:09 NZDT 2012

Facets used to be sorted on popularity, but that was confusing people
because the numbers weren't showing. I did some Amazon and Kohls shopping
this weekend and the facets were sorted alphabetically when it came to
things like brands.  The problem is that Koha doesn't use all pages of
results to figure out the facets and popular sites do! So if we only use
the first page of the results we can't show true popularity and so I think
that's why it was changed to alphabetical a while back.


On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 8:00 AM, Mathieu Saby
<mathieu.saby at univ-rennes2.fr>wrote:

> Hello
> Could some librairians and vendors tell me if they like the way Koha is
> sorting facets and facets results, on a UX point of view ?
> Currently,
> - Results for each facets are sorted alphabeticly.
> - I can't explain the way factets (Authors, Title, Topics...) are sorted,
> maybe by popularity, but it is not always the same, depending of the
> request !
> If we look at other catalogues, or non library websites (Amazon...), we
> don't see the same behavior.
> - Facets sorting does not change in the same catalogue
> - Facets results are sorted according to popularity (decrescent
> occurences), or sometime in a predefined order, sometime both, but never
> alphabeticly.
> (in amazon.com , Author and Book series are sorted according to
> popularity order, but Departement and Format facets in a predefined order.
> cf. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=**nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%**
> 3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=**game<http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=game>
> in worldcat, Content and Public in a predefined order, and the others by
> popularity : http://www.worldcat.org/**search?qt=worldcat_org_all&q=**
> proust <http://www.worldcat.org/search?qt=worldcat_org_all&q=proust> )
> If you agree, I can make a patch for sorting facets results by popularity
> (easy to do) and sorting facets according to a defined order (more
> complicated for me but I will try...).
> Regards,
> M. Saby
> Rennes 2 University
> --
> Mathieu Saby
> Service d'Informatique Documentaire
> Service Commun de Documentation
> Université Rennes 2
> Téléphone : 02 99 14 12 65
> Courriel : mathieu.saby at univ-rennes2.fr
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