[Koha] Rebuild-zebra stops working very often...

Chris Cormack chrisc at catalyst.net.nz
Mon Jun 25 13:55:49 NZST 2012

* Sonia P. (sossolapro at hotmail.com) wrote:
> Hi there
> Here is what our technician said in relation to your message :
> << If Zebra cannot connect to the database, Koha itself will not work. 
>     The database connection error is unrelated to the Koha search
>     problem.
>     The Zebra logs are located under /var/log/koha/library, I
>     have looked at the zebra-output.log file contained within
>     the directory, there is nothing in it and it hasn't been written to
>     since April 24.  The zebra-error.log in the same directory
>     hasn't been written to since the computer was installed. >>
> So I don't know what to do... We are stuck.  I can't restart zebra every two hours.  Would reinstalling everything help?  Wouldn't it take two weeks to set up and fix everything?
> If you have any idea about what's going on... 

Your technician is sort of right. Koha itself will not work if it can
not connect to the database. Zebra itself never ever connects to the

This is where the confusion is occuring I think we are talking past
each other.

There is a script, that is written in perl, that connects to the Koha
database, exports a bunch of MARC as xml files, then passes those off
to the zebraidx job for it to index them.

None of this requires zebrasrv to be running (the actual zebras server
process). zebrasrv itself never talks to Koha, or to mysql, it only
looks at it's own index files. 

Now, the script to rebuild the indexes will fail if it can not connect
to the database. This looks like what was happening with the error log
you pasted before.

So to be absolutely clear, it is the zebrasrv process that is dying?
And it is not logging anywhere? Not even to syslog?

You are running from the debian packages right? If zebrasrv is dying I
would expect to see things like this 

$ sudo tail /var/log/koha/ashs/zebra-error.log.1

20120314 21:58:00 ashs-koha-zebra: client (pid 2441) exited with 1

$ sudo tail /var/log/koha/ashs/zebra-output.log.1 

21:58:00-14/03 [fatal] Element <xslt
could not locate stylesheet
in config /etc/koha/sites/ashs/koha-conf.xml

Chris Cormack
Catalyst IT Ltd.
+64 4 803 2238
PO Box 11-053, Manners St, Wellington 6142, New Zealand

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