[Koha] reset my database

Robin Sheat robin at catalyst.net.nz
Thu Jul 12 03:10:27 NZST 2012

Op 11-07-12 16:02, glaws schreef:
> Just for my own information, why would someone not want to simply drop
> the database? Is there no script to recreate an empty, default database?
> I suppose it would be too much work to recreate one with a database tool
> like phpmyadmin?

Mostly because this can be done with the permissions of the regular koha
db user, and I don't have to remember to re-set-up the grants and such.
So I don't have to remember the root password for the database (and, in
many situations, I don't have it as it's maintained by our sysadmins.)

Robin Sheat
Catalyst IT Ltd.
✆ +64 4 803 2204
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