[Koha] Install for Dummies

Bruce A Metcalf Consuls at AugustanSociety.org
Sun Jan 15 11:09:13 NZDT 2012


I am a new user of Koha, and have had my Linux guru (who had not seen Koha 
prior to this work) install version 3.6.2 under Debian Squeeze on an 
otherwise empty virtual server.

The staff client comes up fine, and using the beginners tutorials I've been 
able to set all of the parameters (that I understand).

I have used the cataloging function to enter half a dozen bibliographic 
records and added holdings information for them. A shelf list creates 
correctly. All appears to be going exactly as it should.

However, the public OPAC shows no books in the collection.

Is there some step that is not covered by the tutorials that must be used 
to grant access? Can anyone suggest an online tutorial that covers the process?

/ Bruce /
Bruce A. Metcalf
The Augustan Society Library

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