[Koha] MyISAM vs InnoDB

Tom Hanstra tom at nd.edu
Tue Feb 28 04:44:45 NZDT 2012

I found a bit of information in the list archives but nothing very complete.

What I'm curious about is the history of database storage as InnoDB vs. 
MyISAM in the MySQL database.  It looks as if early versions of Koha 
were MyISAM but things switched to InnoDB at some point.  Can someone 
give me a bit of the history of what made that change and why InnoDB is 
the desired storage method at this point.   What functionality might be 
lost if I switched my local storage to MyISAM?



      Tom Hanstra                              Systems Administrator
      University Libraries of Notre Dame       Phone: (574)631-4686
      213 Hesburgh Library                     Email: tom at nd.edu
      Notre Dame, IN  46556

           Time flies like an arrow.  Fruit flies like a banana.

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