[Koha] Koha wiki upgraded

Magnus Enger magnus at enger.priv.no
Sat Mar 12 21:26:59 NZDT 2011

On 11 March 2011 02:53, Galen Charlton <gmc at esilibrary.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've upgraded the version of Mediawiki used by http://wiki.koha-community.org/ to 1.16.2.  One particularly visible change is that the OpenID login page now lists a plethora of options for using your account on other web services such as Google, Flickr, and so forth to identify yourself to the Koha wiki.
> If you find anything amiss after the upgrade, please let me know.

Looks to me like there is something amiss with the categories? When
I'm editing a page I now get an unfamiliar list of bits and bobs below
the main editing textarea, where the categories used to be listed.
This is in FF and Safari on OS X. Adding new categories to a page
"manually" works fine, but there is no way to remove an old category -
it just doesn't show up anywhere...

Best regards,
Magnus Enger

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