[Koha] Z39.50 sources (esp. in Belgium)

Klaas Chielens klaas.chielens at vub.ac.be
Thu Mar 10 21:51:16 NZDT 2011


Is there a list of confirmed working Z39.50 servers? I have found quite a few of the standard ones to be not working (or not responding / giving errors) while some other online lists i have found seem to be quite old/outdated/incomplete. 

If there are any sources in Belgium other than the CIBLE (ULB) which works great (!), then I'd be very happy to hear about them; especially if the royal library would have such an access (I have been unable to find it so far) or the VUB or any other Dutch Speaking university (all the information i found about libis having an interface did not work :( ). This would be extremely useful as we have a lot of non-english books that are not necessarily (and mostly not at all) catalogued in the LOC or Columbia or the other standard servers. 

thanks a bunch!


Klaas Chielens | Electronic Communication
Institute for European Studies
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2 (office: Pleinlaan 15, 5th floor) 
1050 Brussels
T: +32 2 6291563
F: +32 2 6291809
E: klaas.chielens at vub.ac.be

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