[Koha] Koha - searches in 3.2 require asterisk at end to be successful

Chris Cormack chris at bigballofwax.co.nz
Sat Oct 30 11:06:26 NZDT 2010

Its just a system preference, turn it off so searches don't require it.


On 30 Oct 2010 10:32, "Chris Nighswonger" <cnighswonger at foundations.edu>

2010/10/29 Linda Culberson <lculber at mdah.state.ms.us>

> I had already run rebuild_zebra.pl with the -v and didn't see anything but
did it again, just t...

Hmm... I wonder if this is expected behavior or a bug? Maybe Chris C. can
comment on it.

Kind Regards,

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