[Koha] importing bibliographic records with system number

Zeno Tajoli tajoli at cilea.it
Wed Mar 17 23:57:06 NZDT 2010


At 19.51 16/03/2010, Linda Culberson wrote:
>I have tried to import records into Koha using the 999 $c to use our
>current bibliographic identifier numbers, but it didn't seem to work.
>It looks like it didn't use those numbers where overwritten by koha. The
>numbers where sequentially assigned by Koha apparently.  Are there any
>special setting in the import or perhaps something else that I may have
>done incorrectly?

which tool do you use to do the import ?
If you use misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport.pl
the default position for system number is 910 $a

If you want to use a different tag and subfield, you must
to use specific parameters, -x <tag> -y <subfielf>
For example:

./bulkmarcimport.pl -x 999 -y c -file /home/jmf/koha.mrc -d -commit 1000

An help on parametres:
file   /path/to/file/to/dump: the file to import
d     delete EVERYTHING related to biblio in koha-DB before import. 
Tables: biblio, biblioitems, titems
commit the number of records to wait before performing a 'commit' operation

To read the full help on the script bulkmarcimport.pl you can use
./bulkmarcimport.pl -h


Zeno Tajoli
CILEA - Segrate (MI)
(Indirizzo mascherato anti-spam; sostituisci quanto tra AT con @)

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