[Koha] Koha Barcode symbology

koha at joetho.com koha at joetho.com
Fri Jun 4 11:44:09 NZST 2010

A fairly common standard: 14 character codabar mod 10
character 1:  2=patron  3=item
characters 2-5:  your 4 digit organization /location code
characters 6-13:   actual number of item
character 14: check digit
Whether you use codabar mod 10 or just a plain 3 of 9, a 14 character
barcode is pretty standard. With the plain old 3 of 9 (code39) symbology,
there is generally no check digit.
Characters 2-5 should be unique to your geographic area, if possible. We
have a system in Kansas of tracking this, but it is very recent. Your
state/region may or may not have information like this.
- Joe


My question is what kind of symbology does Koha support?  I've been given
options from the vendor  like Code 39 or Codabar.   Could you please advise
what type of symbology I need to order?


Thanks so much,

Janet Deavor


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