[Koha] Koha Barcode symbology

deavorj at comcast.net deavorj at comcast.net
Fri Jun 4 02:14:09 NZST 2010

I am at a small private school in the United States.  We are just getting started with Koha, and we are hoping to do lots of data entry this summer. 

I am aware that Koha will generate barcodes for you.  However, we have had printer challenges at my school.  Plus, I want sturdy barcodes. I found a discount vendor who will supply us with barcodes.  http://www.budgetlibrarysupplies.com/index_files/Barcode.htm   I have decided that getting laminated or polyester barcodes  printed in bulk would be easier and faster than us trying to generate thousands of plain paper barcodes.  Also, I am anxious to get as much data entry done as possible now that school will be out for the summer. 

My question is what kind of symbology does Koha support?  I've been given options from the vendor  like Code 39 or Codabar.   Could you please advise what type of symbology I need to order? 

Thanks so much, 

Janet Deavor 

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